Exploring tools, principles & strategies for creating HTML5 motion comics for the web & digital devices. This is research for my own book. The work done here might also be collected for others to use & distributed as an ebook one day.
What are motion comics? Motion comics are a variation on tradition panel to panel comics that move. This has taken the form of some hybrid comic-animation experiments or Flash comics found on the web. Today's newest and most popular variation includes minimal animation principles taken from cinema techniques.
Swipe comics: Swipe comics might be a better name for the evolving nature of comic books on digital devices like tablets and smartphones. The key feature is that the image does not change until a swipe (or touch gesture) occurs. Where many Flash comics explored the wide variety of actions a reader could take with a mouse or making many things clickable, Swipe comics relies only one action to advance the view through the story at their own pace.
Tools: Adobe Edge HTML5
Editors: Madefire: http://www.madefire.com/madefire-app/
Principles: panel-by-panel panel placement motion blur
Strategies: render every object stop motion collage sound